........................ .Siz seviyorsunuz. (What did Mine tell you? / ... yok. B: Harikaymış! (gel-) 10 Arzu Hatice’yle .............................. . (ye-) 5 Seni .............................. ! Ne-yiz? (We will go by car.) (What did Mine tell you?) P21. F 8. (What kind of cake do you want?) Country: United Arab Emirates. Siz konuşuyorsunuz. (How are you?) (Let’s start! Just select the list below, and click 'Add'. • Ne lezzetli bir tatlı! ).......................................................................................................................84ÜNİTE-38 past simple positive Gelmedim. Withoutabox Submit to Film Festivals. Sonra çay içtim. 4 Önce kavga ettiler. (We will go by car.) )................................................................................104ÜNİTE-48 ÜNİTE-49 future tense question ÜNİTE-50 önce (before) şimdi (now) sonra (after)...................................................................106 hala, daha, henüz (still, yet)ÜNİTE-51 artık (no longer, not any more; from now on)......................................................108ÜNİTE-52 daima, hep, her zaman, sürekli (always)ÜNİTE-53 asla, hiçbir zaman, katiyen, hiç (never)....................................................................110ÜNİTE-54 hiç (never, not ... at all)........................................................................................................112ÜNİTE-55 saniye (second) dakika (minute) saat (hour) gün (day).................................114ÜNİTE-56 hafta (week)................................................................................................................................116ÜNİTE-57 sabah (morning) öğle (noon)...........................................................................................118ÜNİTE-58 akşam (evening).......................................................................................................................120ÜNİTE-59 gündüz (daytime, daylight) gece (night-time, night).......................................122ÜNİTE-60 dün (yesterday) bugün (today) yarın (tomorrow)..............................................124 Saat kaç? Şimdi 70 kiloyum.There are 114 units. M 17. Ü 27. • Ne haber? • Şimdi 70 kiloyum. The explanations are on the left-hand page, and the exercises are on theright-hand page. B: Hayır, önce ben geldim!Unit sections (A, B, C, etc.) (What is this?) ...................................................................................................100ÜNİTE-46 future tense positive Gelmeyeceğim. (I didn’t come.) (What did you call for?) E 7. gidiyorum.There are also 15 units in the Grammar Essentials However, ne precedes the verb:section. = How is she/he/it? Yusuf Buz ISBN-13 9781911481003 Format Paperback, Publisher Foxton Books Publication date Sep 11, 2016 Pages 312 Product dimensions 209 x 277 x 15mm Weight 892g Condition New Categories. = We aren’t flying.B Structure: verb + (mi, mı, mu, mü) + yor + personal suffix Person gel- al- koş- gül- (to come) (to take) (to run) (to laugh)Ben gel-mi-yor-um. )......................................................................................................................243ÜNİTE-3 bir (one; only; once)...............................................................................................................244ÜNİTE-4 birkaç (a few, several)...........................................................................................................245ÜNİTE-5 gibi (as, like)................................................................................................................................246ÜNİTE-6 göre (according to).................................................................................................................247ÜNİTE-7 ne (what).......................................................................................................................................248ÜNİTE-8 nasıl (how)....................................................................................................................................249ÜNİTE-9 fiiller (verbs)................................................................................................................................250ÜNİTE-10 -men/-man gerek(ir) (You need to/should …) -men/-man gerekirdi (You should have …).............................................................251ÜNİTE-11 arasında (between, among).............................................................................................252ÜNİTE-12 … ister misiniz? 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